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A (meta)ontology and a thesaurus for metabolomics


Our team have been working for nearly four years on Semantic Web and Big Data technologies and their application in data science applied to metabolomics. The implementation of a prototype infrastructure and its exploitation for the provision of triplestores brings new issues, notably around the alignment of data with ontologies or reference vocabularies and more precisely on the development of a "pivotal model", i.e. the construction and structuring of a vocabulary specific to metabolomics and its interconnection with the INRAE thesaurus.

The MetaSaurus project, for a period of 18 months, therefore proposes to bring together knowledge engineering experts from the INRAE institute and data science experts in the field of metabolomics with the objectives of 1) developing a "pivotal model", adapted to metabolomic studies; 2) selecting methodologies of interest for the construction of "pivotal model(s)" in science; 3) sharing this experience with other scientific communities wishing to engage in a similar approach.

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MetaSaurus is an INRAE project, funded by the INRAE-DIPSO annual program.

The Semantic Web is now recognised as a major lever for the interoperability of scientific data, notably by the FAIR principles to which INRAE adheres. In view of the accumulation of data that can be exploited to date using this technology and the multiplicity of published formalisations (thesauri or ontologies), the MetaSaurus project (2022-2023) proposes to bring together experts in knowledge engineering and experts in data science in the field of metabolomics.

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About us

Sophie AubinORCID:0000-0003-4805-8220 - x

Magalie Weber ORCID:0000-0001-6573-4070 - vocabulary, semantic artifacts, knowledge engineering, data stewardship, food and bioproduct engineering

Olivier Filangi ORCID:0000-0002-2094-3271 - x, metabolomics

Nils Paulhe ORCID:0000-0003-4550-1258 - Bioinformatics, knowledge databases, Full stack developement, metabolomics

David Benaben ORCID:0000-0001-9930-9363 - x, metabolomics

Franck Giacomoni ORCID:0000-0001-6063-4214 - Bioinformatics, knowledge databases, Chief data officer, metabolomics


MetaSaurus is funded by INRAE DIPSO (2022 SAPI grant) and MetaboHUB V2.0 (ANR 11-INBS-0010)